Student Judges, 373K

Students from 373K served as judges for the high school championships. Here, in their own words, are what they have to say about the experience:

Judging was not easy at all.

“Judging was not easy at all. It was very hard choosing who did better. Both teams were strong and worked as a team. At the end, I scored both teams equally. It was a very tough choice. In the end, the pros won just by 2 points. Both teams had very strong statements and no weaknesses were spotted. This was a very serious debate and I’m glad I was part of it.” (William Garcia)

In my opinion, I agreed with the con side!

“I think today’s debate was very good. The topic was about private prisions [sic]. Can we have them legalized? In my opinion, I agreed with the con side! Public prisons are better because inmates can catch up on the world without them from visits, or phone calls from family members, and friends. I got some help from my fellow debaters because I don’t know which side to choose. Being a judge is hard, when you’re a little off-tracked to decide which number of points to give to the teams. But, with a little help with the others, it can be easy, like the judges who helped me decide on deciding on either pro or con on private prisons.” (Killian McMahon)


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