Welcome Back!

Don’t Be Late: Register for Debate!

The first debate workshop is scheduled for Friday, September 16, 2016. This is a *must* if you are at all interested in being a part of the District 75 debate program this year. It is also a way to reconnect, refresh, and resume where we left off!

If you can think of a debate topic, add it to the comments section below!

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Con Side Debates

36K argues the “con” side during the 2016 middle school championship (click to watch video, use website password)

Ccon Side

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Student Practice

224Q student practicing before middle school debate championship, 2016 (click to watch video, use website password)

student practice

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Student Practice

36K students practicing before middle school debate championship, 2016 (click to watch video, use website password)practice


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Polite Debate

Talk about cordiality! This chat box excerpt, from the 3rd Place-Honorable Mention debate, sets the tone for courtesy and good sportsmanship.

polite debate

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Congratulations to the 2016 District 75 Debate Champions!!

The winners are…

Middle School:
1st Place: 36K Debaters of the Future
2nd Place: 224Q Spartan Warriors
3rd Place: 25R Panthers
Honorable Mention: 9Q Dream Team

High School:
1st Place: 176X Rockstar Debaters
2nd Place: 368K Brooklyn’s Finest Debate Team
3rd Place: 177Q Probable All-Stars
Honorable Mention: 721K Knights of Reason

Photos and recordings will be posted soon.

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3rd Place-Honorable Mention Debates

Congratulations to the teams who participated in the 3rd Place-Honorable Mention debtes.

Middle School
3rd Place Winner: 25R Panthers
Honorable Mention: 9Q Dream Team

High School
3rd Place Winner: 177Q The Probable All Stars
Honorable Mention: 721K Knights of Reason

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The Main Events

Debate Announcement 2016 If you would like to attend the Championships on June 1 or 2, please email Cara to RSVP.

Also, don’t forget to tune into the final online debates of the season next week, May 25 and 27 for the third place and honorable mention positions. Check the schedule tab for details, and remember that you can now log in from any mobile device.

We hope to see you at the debates!

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Remember Bitcoin Debate?

Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 8.24.20 AMA couple of years ago (2014) we debated whether “In the future, all currency should be virtual.” This led to lengthy discussions about the digital currency known as “bitcoin.” Well, the mysterious founder of the mysterious currency may be revealed at last. For those that followed the topic, this is big news.


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What is an Electoral Vote?

howelectorsvoteThe final topic of the year states that “the president of the United States should be elected by popular vote,” as opposed to electoral vote. This chart compares both types of voting procedures.

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