The first Debate workshop happened on October 8, 2014 at 369K. There was a mix of veterans and newbies with plenty of lively discussion about expectations for the upcoming year.
Welcome Back!
We are pleased to welcome you to our 10th season of District 75 Debate!! This year promises to be exciting and challenging, with new topics, new ideas, and new energy.
Make sure that teachers register for the initial debate information session (look for it in the D75 Professional Development Catalog), and start sending in your suggestions for this year’s topics in the comment area below.
Ready, set….. debate!
Survey Results
Last week we sent out a survey about how the debate program went this year. We got 15 responses and the results are here:
If you have not yet responded to the survey, please take a moment and do it using the link we emailed last week.
Final Standings High School
2014 Final Standings High School
Final Standings Middle School
2014 Final Standings Middle School
High School Champions
Congratulations to the 993Q Rat Pack, the 2014 District 75 Debate Champions.
Congratulations to the 23Q Voice is Power (VIP’s) Debate team, who won 2nd Place.
Thoughts from the Crowd….
“The first day of debates was a success.”
“Our students once again blew us away.”
“This is my 5th year as a debate coach and I am always amazed by the level of maturity and intelligence that our students display.”
“….another stellar day of debating.”
If you were at the live debates and wish to share your thoughts, please click the “comments” tab below.
Middle School Champions
Congratulations to the 25R Panthers, the 2014 District 75 Debate Champions.
Congratulations to the 352X Great Debaters, who finished 2nd Place in the Debate.
High School Consolation Debate Round
Congratulations to the 368K Brooklyn’s Finest Debate Team. They are the 3rd Place Winners in the Debate Championships.
Congratulations to the 233Q CTEA Debaters. They receive Honorable Mention for their 4th Place finish.
Middle School Consolation Debate Round
Congratulations to the 369K Persuaders. They are the 3rd Place Winners in the Debate Championships.
Congratulations to the 36K Debaters of the Future. They receive Honorable Mention for their 4th Place finish.
Tuesday Debate Changed
The Consolation Debate between 369K and 36K, scheduled for Tuesday June 3, is being changed. The new date is Monday June 9.
Flyers Available
Three new flyers have been added to the Resources page of the website (or download them here).
Email if you want high-resolution versions.
Israel Going Cashless to Combat Crime?
To all the “Pro” debaters in the Future Virtual Currency debate, history may be on your side! This article describes how Israel is limiting cash transactions between businesses to prevent fraud and crime.
Israel Aims to Restrict Use of Cash to Combat Money Laundering
Kings and Queens of Queens?
This year’s high school championship pits Queens school 993Q against Queens school 23Q. A Royal Debate, you might say.
Cheese Bus?
Recently I overheard a student refer to her school bus as a “cheese bus.” I suspect it is because the color is so similar to orange cheddar cheese. Anyway, I did some Wikipedia research and there are at least four different types of school buses:
For all you bus riders out there: Do any of these look familiar?
36K Reflections….
The 36K Debaters of the Future reflected on their loss to 25R last week and shared their thoughts below:
Eric’s reflection:
My plan for the next debate is to come in strong and give good responses and if we do that, we will succeed. My regret is not coming strong like I use to do. My team has plans for the next round even if we win or lose. My thought is that we have to win to go into 3rd place and never give up. Our last debate we didn’t get to practice a lot because of state testing, also we need to practice a lot more. We did do good, but everyone has their ups and downs.
Andre’s reflection:
My name is Andre. I was on the champion debate team last year. This year we lost the debate that would have taken us to the finals. Now that we have had almost a week to get over our loss, my thoughts are that we lost, so what, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. The good thing is that at least we get to have another round before the year is out. We will be debating for 3rd and it’s better than nothing as long as we are all still in the debate there is nothing to be upset about. We won many debates then lost one, so I can understand how you will be upset, but you have to think of the positives and forget about the negatives. We all need to remember that we are all in it together, everyone of us, no matter what happens, we will find a way to get through it and rise up again as champions. My only regret is that we didn’t win, but I have hope that the fight for third will be tremendous and victorious. Our plan for the next round is to improve and to do our best. I know we can do it, all we have to do is believe.
Zayvon’s reflection:
My thoughts for the debate are that I feel like it was my fault entirely. After being off the team for two debates for a few reasons, I ultimately failed to prove my worth to the team. I also feel that if I wasn’t there, the team would have won. I feel that the true reason that I made those mistakes is that we had almost no time to practice. I only have one regret that I didn’t try hard enough when my teammates stepped up to the plate and did great even with the fact that they had to deal with the state test. I was hoping that we wouldn’t lose even with my mistake. I’m not sure whether I should be on the team for the next round, but at least we can get third place and keep fighting the good fight.
Aleyah’s reflection:
You win some you lose some, but last week we lost for the first time and I felt upset, sad, and annoyed that we put so much hard work and effort into this debate team but come to find out we lost. The other team did better on some of the stuff we didn’t do so well on. I’m not going to lie, we should have worked harder. I was so disappointed with myself because that was a big woops for me. You know losing isn’t always easy right? I have regrets yes. One of my deepest regrets was that some people were not always taking this team as seriously as I did. I think that people who do not put as much effort into this team and who do not show that they’re really willing to work hard shouldn’t be on the team. I felt upset because I really cared.
We should have worked so much harder! Like my teacher Ms. West says, you’ve got to “Push yourself.” All I can think of was doing better and accomplishing something. Thank you guys for giving us a chance to go on and trust me when I say we will make a comeback.
Stephen’s reflection:
My thoughts on the loss are that it is stupid to be angry. As one of the other losing teams said, we can’t let a score on a board determine how we feel, it’s your choice to be happy. Everyone I know on my team was devastated from our loss and crying but not me. Inside I was torn up, but I told myself to calm down and that you win some and you lose some. My plans for the next debate team are that I would be more persuasive by using better, if you will, higher class vocabulary. I will also read strong and hope that my speech is perfect.
Wali’s reflection:
My thoughts on the debate are that even though we lost, we still feel like we won. Next time we’re going to bring it all by studying more and backing up our answers stronger than before. We’re going to come up with even better questions and answers. My only regret is that we didn’t take it more serious during practice. Some of us were playing around and didn’t even care. Our plans for the next debate are bringing our all against the school. With better topic presentation and a stronger closing statement, were going to take 3rd place because 1st 2nd or 3rd, or even 4th, we’re still going to be remembered for what we achieved.
My (teacher Micah’s) reflection on our loss last week:
What can I say? Losing stinks. This was an especially hard one because we have one of the larger teams in the district, and a lot of students had worked incredibly hard to earn their spots on that team. It’s really difficult to work towards a goal for the whole year, only to fall short in May.
That being said, our opponents (25R) were on point. They did everything right in the debate, and their team deserved the win. Good luck to them and 352X in the finals!
I started this week still feeling bad about the loss, but I got a nice surprise from one of our debaters at breakfast on Tuesday. He came in with a page full of notes for both the pro and con sides of the final topic! (which I had not asked for). He said, “We got to get ready for our next round right? Our year’s not over yet.” His initiative reminded me of what’s important, every round is a learning experience, and you keep moving forward. 369K, get ready, we’re coming for you!
CTEA Thoughts….
The 233Q CTEA Debaters shared their thoughts about getting bumped out of the Final Four post-season round (though they are debating in the consolation round).
Some of the CTEA Debaters were really upset on Friday and wished that we won, because they wanted to debate on the stage. Most of us were okay with losing though, because we know that we tried our hardest and did our best. We are excited for our next debate versus 368k. We wish good luck to all of the final 4 teams debating!
Color Theory
According to Blueline Media bus advertisers, colors should be bright and varied. What color combination would you use to advertise on a bus?
King Kong Bus?
According to CBS Outdoor Company (a part of the CBS television company), there are 13 different ways to advertise on a bus:
- Super King Size Bus
- Ultra Super Kings
- Kong Size Bus
- King Size Bus
- Queen Size Bus
- Taillight Display
- Fullback Bus Display
- L-Sides
- Headlight Displays
- Headliners
- Window Extensions
- Bus Interior Car Cards
- Brand Buses
This chart from the New York City Transit Museum shows the transit timeline from the 1827 horse-drawn Omnibus to the present day. I wonder when advertising started to appear on city-owned buses? The New York City Transit Museum site has more information.
Download Chart (.pdf)